Tonight, while trying to scan very old (100 yrs or so) negatives on my cheap ScanJet 3400c, I managed to read the very good article The Mad Hatter meets the MCSE, mentioned on a Slashdot post.
As I wrote in a past entry, I saw Sun Rays and MadHatter at Sun's Milan offices a few weeks ago, and I was deeply impressed. This article examines in detail the impact of introducing a Lintel architecture in the Enterprise.
What I liked most from tonight's quick read of this article (gonna read and summarize it for the big shots tomorrow at the office) are a few well-made points:
- a Linux integration in the enteprise is a potential and very expensive failure, if it has to adapt to a Windows-based infrastructure
- a Unix-based architecture is unlikely to evolve in Windows or Mainframe centric environments due to cultural differences between the two worlds
- Sun's Unix Business Architecture (UBA) has a tremendous potential and could change the way enterprises design and manage their IT infrastructures
Definitely a recommended reading.