Back from the speakers' dinner

ludo, Monday 25 April 2005 00:56:14

Just got back from the speakers' dinner, which was a bit chaotic (ie nice). I was sitting next to Doc Searls and Halley Suitt, but made frequent trips to the "nanopublishing ghetto" on the other side of the room, where Jason and Gaby Darbyshire were running the show.

Nice to meet so many people I have been reading daily for quite a while. The picture is of Hugh sitting on my chair, and talking with Doc after having eaten half my dessert, yet managing to be the nicest of all the people in the room. [Technorati Tag: ]

Readers' Comments

  1. jerome

    Enjoy the conference! By the time you get back I’ll have found all the bugs in RC2…

  2. ludo

    Then you should either be quick, or hope there are very few, as I’ll be back tomorrow.

  3. Pandemia

    Les Blogs, a Parigi si riunisce la blogosfera globale Grande giorno oggi per i blog. A Parigi è in corso una conferenza, organizzata da Loic Le Meur, proprio sui blog. Avrei dovuto partecipare ma cause varie me lo hanno impedito. Ben rappresentata è l’Italia (pochi ma buoni) con Paolo…

  4. enrica

    Actually Hugh was talking with me..:)

    In the meantime, Doc was taking pictures of all people around after lecturing us, you and me, on his life, on how much “official scholarship” (read: university) damages men and women (after he learnt I was professor at university..:)), and how lucky he was to have found after his 50th birthday a new passion (computer/journalism), a new job, and a new wife:)
    In short, how lucky he was to have started a new life (actually I should say: how brave and good he was!)

    An interesting man indeed Doc, with interesting experiences to share and interesting ideas, nothing to say about it.

    He was one of the few persons of the conference who was relaxed and friendly but not overly friendly, who was genuinely passionate about blogging and about his job (and not only in terms of money/ power/ visibility), and who did not fight all the time (like Jason and Gaby!) to show off and to recruite new admirers and/or bloggers.

    Obviously if you are satisfied and gratified (in terms of success, love, sex, and need to create and dream — the basic needs of all of us) with your own life, you do not need to be a pirate!

    Like Joy Ito, Hugh, Hally, Dominique, Frederick and very few others, Doc was open-minded and socially very pleasant. He let people speak and *eventually* listened to them.

    Although I was an off-sider, I really enjoyed their company.


  5. enrica

    Luca-Pandemia, we read your comments on the screen behind speakers! you should have come…


  6. » Les Blogs 2005

    la un grande showdown al ristorante tra Gawker e WeblogsInc. I dettagli li può raccontare Ludo, che però era impegnato in altre conversazioni [...]

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