Redesigned, again

ludo, Thursday 21 April 2005 23:28:04

Less than one month after the first redesign of this blog, I have done it again. This new design is virtually the same as my Italian blog except for the header image, a picture I shot from Enrica's old apartment in Cambridge a couple of years ago.

As I have already written a few days ago, it seems that spring is bringing new ideas and designs to more than a few blogs: waiting for May 1st Reboot and CSS Reboot, Keith Robinson has given a new layout to Asterisk, and promptly got accused of having ripped off Koi's Subtraction. As much as I love quarrels, this one seems pretty vain especially coming from someone who has taken quite a bit of "inspiration" from 37Signals it turns out this one was a joke.

I will be in Paris this weekend at Les Blogs taking part to the Nanopublishing panel. Speaking of nanopublishing, the brand new 9rules Network Blog looks very promising. Nanopublishing with a twist.

Readers' Comments

  1. Garrett

    It was all just a joke. Keith explained the whole thing with his post.

  2. ludo

    Garrett, thanks for pointing it out. :)

  3. jerome

    I had forgotten you had a personal site! The LightPress version is indeed far better than the old one - very nice design.

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