This one is the result of quite of a few minutes of digging in Google. To merge (join, combine, etc.) multiple Postscript files into a single one, just type this:
gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH
You need Ghostscript, so if you have no access to a Unix box with gs preinstalled, grab a copy here.
Hello, I'm just about to move to Milan and I'm very interested in where to purchase good English language books. I'm living in the North East of the city and working in the South East. If anyone can help, that would be great. Thanks
Claire, there a few bookshops with a decent selection of English books in Milan: Feltrinelli (piazza Duomo), Messaggerie Musicali (corso Vittorio Emanuele), American Bookshop (at the end of via Dante, in front of the castle), English Bookshop (via Ariosto, near S. Maria delle Grazie).
Does the K1.5 theme for LightPress do AJAX commenting?
This comment is purely a test to that end, BTW.