Blogging 11
- Dblog, an ASP blog engine ‖
- Blog comments as reputation ‖
- Blogs, hype, LesBlogs ‖
- Internal Business Blogs resources ‖
- Blogging hits the Italian media ‖
- Top-Down or Bottom-Up? ‖
- Corporate Blogging seems easy, but... ‖
- Back from the speakers' dinner ‖
- At the Holiday Inn ‖
- A few thoughts on creativity and imitation ‖
- Redesigned, again
Books 4
Design 1
General 23
- My blog's new clothes ‖
- Scoble and the iPod killer ‖
- Categories, Date Archives or both? ‖
- Visual Thinking ‖
- Ebay, always a bargain? ‖
- Urban Headphones ‖
- What a waste ‖
- P800, Christmas, A Change of Language ‖
- Warming Up ‖
- New updates are ready to download ‖
- Travels and Architecture ‖
- DWIM ‖
- Radios, Quality, the Internet ‖
- Search engines are stupid ‖
- My bookmarks, 7 years ago ‖
- Ie-only sites ‖
- The Italian Experience ‖
- What's the use of an empty blog? ‖
- Looks like it's (partially) working ‖
- Testing StaticBlog ‖
- Hurry Up! ‖
- My USB Key ‖
- Switch to pyblosxom
Linux 15
- Convert a bunch of tables to InnoDB ‖
- Time to upgrade to Hoary? ‖
- Sun Rays for Linux (and Laptops) ‖
- Ext2 (or Ext3) under Windows ‖
- Using MadHatter ‖
- RFC1149 ‖
- Things they left out ‖
- Metacity always on top keybinding ‖
- Blackout ‖
- Spambayes and Qmail ‖
- Lintel in the Enterprise ‖
- Gnome filemanagers ‖
- Sun Mad Hatter + Sun Ray ‖
- Mozilla Firebird nightly builds ‖
- Dropline Gnome + Friday Theme
Misc Stuff 9
Music 2
Personal 3
Python 22
- Making Peace with Autism ‖
- Python never had a chance against PHP? ‖
- An unusual referrer ‖
- HTTP Status Codes (linked to RFC2616) ‖
- Russ discovers Perl (and bashes Python docs) ‖
- Line Endings in Mail Messages ‖
- SMIME sucks ‖
- Verifying SMIME email with M2Crypto ‖
- Customizing logging.LogRecord ‖
- Rapid Development ‖
- The Unicodedata Module ‖
- Unicode for programmers ‖
- Project Five ‖
- The OpenOffice file format ‖
- HTTP proxies ‖
- Combining Docbook-generated chunked HTML ‖
- Removing unused css classes ‖
- Text Processing in Python ‖
- Python metaclasses + misc presentations ‖
- Generating abstracts from HTML snippets ‖
- PyMeld ‖
- Descriptors
SimpleAggregator 3
StaticBlog 1
Technology 1
TeX 3
Web 1