Friday May 06, 2005

Backpack, Google Accelerator, HTTP  23:39:52 CEST

As often happens, Sam Ruby saved me from wasting too much time idly browsing the web (no energy to work on more important stuff on Friday night) with his latest post: This Stuff Matters. Sam links to a post by Robert Sayre on the Google Accelerator / Backpack mess (If you’re going to do RPC, have the courtesy to tunnel it through POST), which in turn links to Ajax Considered Harmful, which links to the "Just" use HTTP presentation Sam gave at ETCON 2005.

If you do web development (or any kind of development since you can't escape HTTP nowadays) and have not seen it, take a half hour to do so. It's full of great advice and interesting facts, a few of which you may be familiar with, while others will be a surprise. The four-sentence summary is:

  • Comparing characters and uris is surprisingly more difficult and important than you might otherwise imagine (think: security holes)
  • Layering is the problem, not the solution
  • You won't find reality in any specification
  • Spec authors are responsible for the confusion that they create
There's always a subtle and evil sense of satisfaction in watching the successful ones take a beating for programming or architectural errors you would not make. Of course, working harder and being in their place would be much more rewarding. :)  comment