All posts tagged with windows

Dblog, an ASP blog engine

Monday 04 July 2005

Daniele, the author of the ASP blog engine Dblog, just sent me an email to announce the release of version 2.0. Being a Unix guy (even though I work in a mainly mainframe/Windows based company) I did not know about Dblog until tonight, but as it's one of the few Open Source projects developed in Italy I feel it my duty to announce it here. I hope Scoble notices it.

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A Windows Calendar

Wednesday 08 June 2005

Everytime I connect remotely to a Windows system to use one of our legacy applications, I wonder why the XP team put such a useless feature on the date tray applet: how often do you need to modify your date and time, or change your timezone? And conversely, how often do you need to check a date in the past or future? This is one of the small usability things that Gnome does better, as you can see in this image.

Given that the legacy application I have to use the most is our timesheet app, some time ago I decided to look for a free calendar and after digging through quite a bit of Google search results I found the excellent (and free) Date In Tray by CrispyBytes Development. As you can see it's just a tiny application, but when you're checking dates it's a real time saver.

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Firefox on Windows without admin rights

Saturday 14 May 2005

I am sitting at an Internet Cafe in Macerata where we are spending the weekend, and there's only IE installed. I did not remember IE was such a pain to use, and since the owner claims that Firefox trashed one of his machines a while ago (uhm...), I have been forced to find a way to install it on Windows without administrative rights. Google is no help in this occasion, but if you resort to one of the basic principles of Unix systems administration ("it's always a permissions problem, stupid!") it turns out it's very easy: just select the Custom install, and select as a target folder one you can write to, such as a new "Firefox" folder on your Desktop.

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