Submission Guidelines
What to Send?
The Journal was primarily established to publish on Tantras (or Agamas or Samhitas in Sanskrit) scholarly topics concerning one or more parts of them. This includes the philosophy of language, of knowledge, aesthetics, rhetorics, etc. (e.g. Abhinavagupta's commentary on the DhvanyAloka of Anandavardhana). It also includes e.g. architectural Tantric-based items, stotras, papers on Tantric authors, medicine, chemistry, astronomy/astrology, history of Tantrism, etc.
We gladly publish Tantric and Tantric-related translations (following the same rules given for papers), and editions. We include unpublished articles, abstracts, and news (such as on published and unpublished books, on papers, conferences, meetings, Ph.D. projects, etc.).
How to Publish?
If you plan to submit a paper, please refer to our general guidelines.
When Will Papers Be Published?
Accepted papers will be published in the first available issue of the journal. In case of delay senders will be notified by the Editors.
The Editors are not responsible for any wrong info (if accepted) and for any violation to the Copyright of any submitted item.
Where to Send Papers and/or Info?
Send by e-mail to following address: