by E. Garzilli
I want to open this issue thanking who helped me in making this
technically possible -- that is to say, simply possible -- Arch.
Ludovico Magnocavallo. He keeps pushing me with one innovation after the
other, obliging me to update myself, to run, and to open my eyes to the
very quick Internet world. He is the only responsible for the Computer Space, which is dedicated to
computer problems and solutions.
I should also like to thank the Editors: they vouch for the level of the
Journal, and they helped me in reviewing papers -- sometimes, I should
say, in a very lively tone.
Something regarding the letters we are publishing. I answered one of
them that was addressed to me. I hope somebody wants to answer the
second letter sending a msg to [email protected].
The paper we are publishing is entitled The Dance of the Guru's Eight
Aspects. It has been written by Dr. Cathy Cantwell (PhD in Social
Anthropology from UKC), Lecturer in Religious Studies at University of
Cantwell's paper deals with a ritual Tibetan dance. The paper also
offers many Tibetan terms, which have been transliterated and explained
in order to make them understandable to a reader who is, perhaps, more
accustomed to Sanskrit. The paper is published in these pages accompanied by pictures taken by the
author when she went to Tibet, in 1981-1983. They have been reduced for
a fast reading. Click on them and they will enlarge. Have a look at the
pictures: they are simply fabulous!
We would like to distribute a Directory Email Book of the IJTS
Members. The DEB will be distributed only via email to you, and it
will not be published on our WWW pages.
It is meant to be a means to link us and make us and our work know one
to another.
You can copy the form from this page or download it from our ftp server in the IJTS directory. If you want to reply you
have just to fill up the blanks and send the form back to me
([email protected]) or to the IJTS ([email protected]). We will
publish the info only in the way you write them. We will not be
responsible for any wrong or incomplete info.
The form will read like this:
First name(s):
Middle name(s):
Last name(s):
Email address:
Institution (if any):
Teaching courses:
Research interest:
Current research:
The more answers we get the more useful the DEB will be. We hope in your