1. The Basic Problem.
There are too many characters in the Devanagari script to fit
them all on a simple keyboard. Since we do not need upper-case
characters, it is possible to use shifted keys to represent
other characters.1 Thus, da could be mapped onto the "d" key
and dha on the Shift-d (or capital D). Even if all of the basic
characters could be located on the regular and shifted keyboard,
we still have the problem of representing all of the conjunct
The typical way to handle numerous Devanagari characters has
been to map them onto several other layers of the keyboard. You
might type "t" to get a "ta"; Shift-t to get a "tha"; Ctrl-Alt-t
to get "tta" and you might type Ctrl-Alt-Shift-t to get "kta".
In some cases, the program required you to look up the
characters in a book, hold down the Alt key and hit three
numbers on the keypad. As you can imagine, many of these key
combinations are not easy to remember. When you use a system
like this, you must constantly look the characters up in a
reference book.
Computers excel at repetitive, simple tasks; the obvious next
step was to have the computer look up the conjuncts and
determine which one to use. This leaves far fewer keys for the
user to memorize. It is possible to map all the necessary keys
onto just the Unshifted and Shifted keys, eliminating the need
to use the Control and Alternate keys altogether. If these
characters are intelligently mapped, the layout becomes easy to
In this review, I will be discussing two software packages which
run on the Windows environment. Both attempt to provide what I
consider the best solutions available at this time. By coming to
understand the basic issues discussed in this article, the
reader should be able to select an appropriate program for use
on any computer system. There have been reasonable solutions
available on the Macintosh for a few years. The Windows market
has finally come up with a reasonable program. 2
Current software consists of a keyboard-interface program with a
Devanagari font.3 As a user, you start a keyboard-interface
program and whatever word processor you prefer, such as
Microsoft Word or WordPerfect.4 When you want to type in
Devanagari, you switch the keyboard-interface program into an
active state, select the Devanagari font in your word processor
and begin typing. To switch back to English, you put the
interface program into an inactive state and change back to a
Roman font. To use dialog boxes, you must place the keyboard
interface program into an inactive state.
2. UniType International from Gamma Systems
UniType has been positioned by Gamma as the only multilingual
software you will ever need. For this review, I am focusing only
on the Devanagari aspects of UniType International. The
advertising promises that UniType will form all conjuncts
properly and that the keyboard is mapped to correspond
phonetically with the American English keyboard. This is also
what sales representatives told me. Unfortunately, the product
falls short on both promises.
The development process at Gamma has one serious flaw: no one
knows enough about Sanskrit. I expect they will attempt to
rectify this problem in the future, but that will probably take
some time. Sanskrit is only one of the hundreds of languages
they support.
UniType International, the basic package ($345), offers 175
languages and, for a fee, the user can add many other languages.
The package claims to work with any Windows application,
although it does not work well with databases.5 UniType also
supports the UniCode standard, which provides compatibility with
third-party solutions, spell-checkers, translation tools, etc.
There is no spell-checker available for Sanskrit and no
indication that there will be.
3. Learning How to Use UniType
The documentation for UniType is badly written, incomplete and
sometimes incorrect. It does not include the most basic
information about using the Devanagari keyboard such as the fact
that you need to use the + key as the virama.
The user is expected to find this information in the Help system
of the program. I went to the Help system's search feature and
looked under a number of words including "keyboard," "Sanskrit,"
"Devanagari," "Indic," "Indian," "Hindi," "conjuncts,"
"ligatures,"6 etc.--all to no avail. To find the information,
you must wade through several layers of the help system in a
section covered by the window the program puts up over the Help
Here is the secret which lies so well hidden in the help file:
To type a conjunct character in UniType, the user types the
first character, followed by a virama, followed by the next
character. The virama is located on the plus key. This is some
distance from the home keys and annoying to touch-typists who
have not mastered the long reach with the right pinkie. This
annoyance alone would seem small, but unfortunately, Gamma has
not kept the input method consistent.
Depending on how a conjunct is formed, Gamma requires a
different input method. The user must memorize which conjuncts
are contained within Gamma's font. For example, to put in the
conjunct "tta" the user must type "t + t" but to produce the
conjunct "tva" the user must type "T v a" (T is Shift-t). Note
that, in the first example, the user types the virama between
the two t's. In the second example, the user must know that the
partial-ta is on the Shift-T key and that the conjunct will not
be formed automatically. Not only is it an annoyance to have to
pay attention to how the conjuncts are formed, it also requires
the user to remember the idiosyncrasies of the font supplied by
Gamma. Looking at a few Sanskrit texts from different publishing
houses will reveal that there are a number of conjuncts that are
represented in diverse ways. "tva" for example can be
represented with a partial "ta" followed on the horizontal axis
by the "va" character, but it can also be represented by the
"ta" character with a small partial "va" character on the
vertical bar below the "ta."
As a further inconvenience, some base characters are located on
Ctrl-Shift-Alt keys. For example, Ta, Tha and Da are on Ctrl-
Shift-Alt-1, Ctrl-Shift-Alt-2 and Ctrl-Shift-Alt-3,
respectively. This is a very inconvenient combination of keys
and is not mnemonic. There is no good reason for this mapping.
Even if a character is little used, why make it harder to find
than some of the conjuncts, all of which should be mapped
automatically and never need to be accessed by the normal user?
Several of the keys are not mapped in a phonetically sensible
way when they could be. Because of the complexity of the
mapping, it is too difficult to provide a comprehensible table
of the character-mapping Gamma has selected, especially in a
journal which is electronically distributed.
Gamma does not provide a map for the Devanagari keyboard. I can
understand their desire to save printing costs by not providing
a paper copy, but they do not even provide a copy on the disk
that the user can print out. Instead, the manual and Help system
instruct the user to display the keyboard, hit Alt-Print Screen
to get a copy onto the system clipboard, open Paintbrush (a
program which comes with Windows), paste a copy of the keyboard
into Paintbrush and print it out. There are some problems with
this method.
The print-outs are sloppy, screen resolution printouts which cut
off part of the keyboard. The print-outs are hard to read and a
hassle to make. The instructions provided are incomplete and the
user has to figure out a number of in-between steps. You cannot
even print out the Ctrl-Alt-Shift and Ctrl-Alt keyboards.7
This is a simple lack of testing the documentation. It is also
quite inconvenient for the user.
Some of the conjuncts do not print out as they should. For
example, the partial "ta" does not connect with a following "va"
or "ya." There is a horizontal gap between the partial "ta" and
the character it should be joining.
I could not get the grey arrow keys to work when using
UniType.8 These keys are used to move around in your document
in most Windows programs. This is, apparently, a known problem
at Gamma. If you switch off the Num Lock key, the problem goes
away. Most users leave the Num Lock key active so they can use
the arrows to move around in their documents and the number pad
to type numbers.9
I also had bad experience with customer service and technical
support at Gamma. The first problem was lack of responsiveness
to simple questions by e-mail. It is important to note that
Gamma will only deal with customers by phone for the first
month, after which you are forced to write to them. If they so
not respond promptly by e-mail, you will just have to wait. I
communicated to them both through CompuServe and an Internet
address. The technical support representative responsible for
answering my questions could not tell me the basics of using
Sanskrit with UniType.
To Gamma's credit, when I sent a complaint, the President of the
company sent me a nice e-mail, and the programmer who worked on
the Devanagari implementation called me the next day. The
programmer was willing to talk with me at length about the
implementation and was interested in feedback on weaknesses in
the product.
4. ILKEYB (Indian Language Keyboard Program)
ILKEYB is the program UniType should have been. The basic theory
behind ILKEYB is the same as UniType. To create conjuncts, you
simply type the key which represents the character, followed by
the virama. ILKEYB is relatively inexpensive ($77 with two
fonts). It is the easiest to use. It was designed intelligently,
implemented well and customer service is excellent.
The authors are only concerned with Indian languages at this
time; ILKEYB is not designed to work with hundreds of other
languages. The authors of this program are familiar with Indian
languages, which gives them an incomparable edge.
All of the characters are mapped on the regular keyboard or the
Shift- keyboard. As much as possible, the characters are mapped
phonetically. The virama is located on the "/" key, which is
very easy to strike.
This layout is easy to memorize. You can almost use it without
looking at the documentation. The layout is so straightforward
that it is simple to represent. This layout shows the shifted
characters as capital letters. The vowels, with the exception of
short a, are represented as the key which types the vowel within
a word.10 A different key must be used for vowels which appear
at the beginning of a word.
a A i I u U % & l&
e E \ :
k K g G M
c C j J V
q Q z Z N
t T d D n
p P b B m
y r l v
x S s h
To get ra at the beginning of a conjunct, type "*".
All the conjuncts are formed automatically and, with the
exception of "ra" noted below and vowels at the beginning of
words, work with one stroke per character. The short i must be
typed before the character, as it appears in the script, which I
consider sensible.
The documentation for the program was short, simple and direct.
In a few pages, the user can learn all that is needed to use the
program effectively. Included are a reference card and a
printout of conjuncts with keystrokes. These are almost unneeded
with this product, since the interface is so intuitive. These
items are sorely missed by users of Gamma's product since the
keyboard wasn't mapped as sensibly, and the conjunct formation
is not consistent.
There were only three minor flaws with this product that
bothered me. I contacted Mr. Patil, one of the developers of
this program, and he offered to customize the program's font and
keyboard layout for a reasonable fee, solving the first two
The third problem was that, if the character "ra" was part of a
conjunct, the user must type one of two keys, depending on
whether the "r" is at the beginning or end of the conjunct.
Solving this problem poses greater technical difficulties.
Incidentally, this problem also exists in Gamma's UniType.
5. Possible Enhancements for Devanagari Windows Products
One possible input method would be simple transliteration. To
get "tva" the user would simply type "tva." The user does not
need to use the virama to get conjuncts and fewer keys are
needed.12 Typing with this keyboard would be like typing
Sanskrit using the Kyoto-Harvard convention. Some users prefer
this method.
The method used by Gamma and Mr. Patil has the advantage of
reflecting the way the language works a bit better. I hope
future programs will offer both as options.
Future programs could also be combined with utilities to convert
between the supplied fonts and popular transliteration schemes
such as Kyoto-Harvard, ITRANS, etc. This would allow users to
exchange files with other users and internet sources of texts.
I would also like to see more sophisticated typesetting features
built in seamlessly. If the user types in a conjunct ending in
"i," a program could decide to use a longer or shorter hook
above the line based on the size of the conjunct. The position
of "r" could be handled automatically, regardless of where "r"
appears in the conjunct. The software could also determine if a
vowel were being typed at the beginning of a word or not and
would provide the appropriate character automatically.
6. Conclusion
For typing Devanagari in the Windows environment at this time,
ILKEYB is the best solution. It is reasonably priced, it works
well, it is simple to use and, were you to run into any
problems, the service is among the best I have found in the
software business.
If you need a product that will allow you to use hundreds of
different languages and don't mind the inconveniences when
typing in Devanagari, UniType is a reasonable purchase. I have
not tested the implementations of other languages, but my
experience as a software tester says that if you find a number
of flaws in a given area, you will probably find more elsewhere.
If UniType International interests you, I recommend waiting for
Gamma's next release and seeing how it turns out.
7. Contact Information and Pricing
Gamma Productions, Inc.,
12625 High Bluff Drive #218
San Diego, CA 92130
UniType International $345 (educational discount available)
Shrikrishna Patil
21647 Rainbow Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014-4826
(408)446-9144, (408)996-2136
FAX (408)255-6443
ILKEYB with three fonts $77