- Body Ring
- kAyacakra
- chopper
- kartri
- circle
- maNDala
- Diamond Cage
- vajrapaJjara
- flower
- utpala
- funeral monument
- caitya
- hook
- aGkuza
- lotus
- padma
- Manifestation Of Phenomena
- dharmodayA
- Mind
- cittacakra
- Oath Ring
- samayacakra
- sacred thread
- yajJopavIta
- scepter
- khaTvAGga
- serpent
- nAga
- Speech Ring
- vAkcakra
- spell
- mantra
- universal vajra
- vizvavajara
- upper chamber
- kUTAgAra
- water-bloom
- saroja
- water-blossom
- ambhoja
- water-flower
- abja
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