The purpose of the journal is manyfold. This journal is open to all bona fide scholars in South Asia women studies. We aim to publish our work quickly and democratically.
Subjects: law, civil rights, gender issues, religion, philosophy, politics, feminism and ecofeminism, classical and modern literature, poetry, dance, music, drama, language, translations, history, folklore, customs, medicine, architecture, discoveries and cultural or social products by women, etc.
The journal is also a platform for dialog on interfaith issues, and for dialog on issues of importance to Asian women. We want to promote an international debate on the subject, and create a channel of communication between science and media, between scholarly production and NGOs activities, and between positive and religious thought and/or ethical thought.
We want to publicize the scholarly study of women in terms of human rights. Women Studies, and particularly "Third World" Women Studies, means to be involved in ethical and social issues.
Areas of study: India, Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Shri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines.
The journal includes unpublished articles, abstracts, reviews, and news (such as on published books,
on papers, conferences, meetings, events, Ph.D. projects, etc.)
Every six or seven issues, we will publish the hard copy volume of the collected issues, like we did for the
Journal of South Asia Women Studies Collected Issues 1995-1998. They will be
reviewed, edited, printed, bound, and distributed under request.