by E. Garzilli
As you have read in our back issues of the JSAWS,
Vol. 7, No. 1 (October 5, 2001) and of the International Journal of
Tantric Studies Vol. 5, n. 1 (March 30, 2001),
our Editorial Note was on Afghanistan, war, and women.
On November 27,
2001 I received an email by Susan Celia Swan of the US feminist group V-Day including the announcement press
advisory on the Afghan Women's Summit to be held on December 4-5, 2001. Unfortunately, the Summit was closed to the
public and the press. Only the opening
statements of solidarity on the 1st day (8:30-10 AM) was open to
media. A press conference followed the conclusion of the Summit.
1. The Afghan Women Summit
Fifty Afghan women leaders took part to the Afghan Women's Summit for
Democracy held at the European Commission in Brussels, in collaboration with
the U.N. Gender Advisor to the Secretary-General and UNIFEM. The Afghan women's
group included educators, health care providers, political activists, and other
women commited at grassroots organizations. They came from Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Iran, the Central Asian Republics, the United States, Canada and
The summit was held in an EU building and backed by Euro-MPs. The Global Fund for Women supported the meeting
with a grant of US$30,000. In 1999, the Global Fund also supported with US$
7,000 the Revolutionary Afghan Women Association (RAWA), "a political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace,
freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan" (,
including some 20,000 women and based in Pakistan.
The Summit was designed to implement United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace and Security, which was adopted in y. 2000
and reaffirmed the importance of the equal participation and full involvement
of women in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and
security, and the need to increase their role in decision-making with regard to
conflict prevention and resolution. "Speakers called for women's rights and
full participation of Afghan women in new government" said the media advisory.
Three of the Summit
participants, Sima Wali, primary Afghan organizer of the Summit and in close
contact with former Afghan King Zaher Shah, in exile in Italy, along with
Seddighe Balkhi and Amena Afzali, came directly from the Bonn table, where they
were serving as delegates. The Summit was chaired by Judge Navanethem Pillay,
South African President of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda. Hibaaq
Osman served as Facilitator and Jacqui Hunt, as Rapporteur.
Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, opened the Summit
with a call for Afghan women to be "fully represented in future political
organs" of their country.
Women leaders from around the world and prominent guests were present in
solidarity and joined the discussion. A few names: Anna Diamantopoulou,
European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs; Eve Ensler, Artistic
Director and Founder V-Day, Playwright; Denise Fuchs, President of the European
Women's Lobby; Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Director, United Nations Development
Fund for Women (UNIFEM); Asma Jahangir, U.N. Special Rapporteur on
Extrajudicial, Arbitrary and Summary Executions; Asma Khader, Board of
Directors Equality Now; Angela King, Assistant Secretary-General and Special
Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, United Nations; Laurette
Onkelinx, Belgian Presidency, Belgian Minister for Employment and Equality;
Hibaaq Osman, Founding Director Center for Strategic Initiatives of Women; Mary
Robinson, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights; Maj Britt Theorin, Chair of
the Women's Rights Committee in the European Parliament.
The convening groups of the Summit were the European Women's Lobby (the
largest coordinating body of national and European non-governmental women's
organizations in the European Union --
based in Bruxelles; Equality Now (an international human rights
organization working to end violence and discrimination against women -- based in New York; V-Day (a global movement to stop
violence against women and girls, which promotes productions of Founder and
Artistic Director Eve Ensler's as well as a series of innovative campaigns and
initiatives --, also based in New York; the Center for
Strategic Initiatives of Women (a non-partisan, non-profit organization working
with women's rights organizations in the Horn of Africa --
based in Washington DC; the Feminist Majority (the largest feminist research
and action organization in the US -- , based in Arlington,
VA and Los Angeles, CA).
2. The Brussels Proclamation
At the close of the Afghan Women's Summit, Afghan women released the
Brussels Proclamation outlining in detail their comprehensive vision for the
future and specifying their immediate reconstruction needs.
The Brussels Proclamation addresses four central components of Afghan
society, education and culture, healthcare, refugees, and human rights. It set
forth a range of demands including:
- The right for
women to vote and to be entitled to equal pay and equal access to health
care, education and employment;
- An emergency
plan for reopening schools by March 2002 for both girls and boys, a new
curriculum, and training of teachers;
- The inclusion of
Afghan women lawyers in the development of a new constitution which would
include the principles of non-discriscmination;
- The rebuilding
of hospitals and provision of vital medicines, treatments and services,
including psychological counseling and mother and child healthcare;
- Central
inclusion of women in the Loya Jirga, the Grand Council which
traditionally is the one-time gathering of male representatives. These men
should be the wisest -- even though is difficult to imagine wise men in
these 23 years of war, guerrilla and violence in Afghanistan -- the most
respected local citizens and the most powerful or well-connected ones, all
representatives from different tribes and factions and selected by their
local leadership.
First place in the various lists of
recommendations was given to education and culture. We cannot but remember that, at the best of
times, the overall literacy rate in Afghanistan was less than 20% amongst males
and less than 5% amongst females -- even though hese figures are considered by
some as very optimistic.
"Education and culture
transcend the reality of our lives" proclaimed the group of Afghan women "Their
healing power and creative energy could act as a catalyst for peace and as an
antidote to our national wounds by safeguarding our cultural heritage from
disappearance. By reviving education and culture, we Afghans can all have
something common to share and be united."
The first issue
Afghan women addressed was indeed Education, Media and Culture, spotting as
priorities to send "a group of women to Afghanistan for assessing the schools'
condition; developing an emergency plan for re-opening schools by March 2002
for both girls and boys and reconstruction of the schools that have been
damaged or destroyed; Reopening of institutes of higher education". The second
issue they addressed was Health, referred to as a need not only of women, but
of everybody in the country; the third was Human Rights and the Constitution,
focussing on the rights of women and children; and the last issue was Refugees
and Internally Displaced Women, underlying as a priority the "Avoidance of
forced repatriation of refugees as it violates basic human rights according to
UNHCR guidelines on repatriation." They asked for internally displaced women
"Security and protection; Health care services; Education on prevention of
sexually transmitted diseases; Education on birth control and family planning."
3. Declaration of Solidarity
In solidarity with the Afghan women
gathered for the Summit, women's rights activists from Belgium, Croatia,
France, India, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Palestine,
Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States met
in parallel session in Brussels to formulate support strategies for the
implementation of the Brussels Proclamation. Inspired by the Brussels
Proclamation, the group made the following commitments:
- To undertake an advocacy campaign
to ensure that the funds allocated by the international community for the
reconstruction of Afghanistan are conditional on
- the participation by
women in decision-making over the granting of the funds;
- the inclusion of women's non-governmental organizations among recipients of
the funds;
- and the use of the funds for implementation of the
priorities outlined in the Brussels Proclamation.
- To declare on International
Women's Day 2002 that for women "Afghanistan is Everywhere.
- To create an international task
force of women's rights lawyers with particular expertise in drafting
legislation and constitutional law.
- To provide political support to
the Ministry of Women created by the Bonn Agreement, and to undertake
efforts to foster voter education and the participation by women in elections.
- To coordinate a funding effort to
support grassroots community initiatives by and for women in Afghanistan
and neighboring countries, which will make available at least $1 million
over the next three years.
- To promote United Nations
recruitment of women for employment in the various agencies within the UN
system operating in Afghanistan and neighboring countries.
4. Following up of the Summit and RAWA
The Summit and the echo it had in the press shaked the international
policy of the USA, always very commited to projecting their image of
human-right defender to the world (but why the USA have supported a Taliban
regime that since the very beginning brutally oppressed women? And why they are
blind and deaf in protecting Palestina against the erosion of the territory by
After the Summit, the Project of the Feminist Majority underlined: "We
have changed U.S. foreign policy. We now must make it clear to the world
that Afghan women's full participation is essential for the rebuilding
of a peaceful, democratic Afghanistan."
On Dec. 12, 2001 Bush signed a relief act for Afghan women and children.
The bill authorized education and health care assistance for Afghan women and
children living in their home country and those living elsewhere as refugees.
An Afghan refugee identified only as Ferita spoke at the event. She said the
Afghan people have suffered for over 25 years under the Soviet invasion,
"during the chaos and brutality of the warlords now known as Northern
Alliance", and under the Talibans.
A delegation of Afghan women from the Summit was scheduled to carry the
outcoming message all over the world. Their first stop was a meeting with the
European Parliament on Thursday, December 6th.
On the International
Human Rights Day, Dec.10, 2001, six Afghan women
delegates, with representatives of the Afghan Women's Summit conveners gave a
press conference at Equality Now in New York, moderated by actor Meryl Streep.
The same day, RAWA protested rallies in
Peshawar and Islamabad, reminding world of rapes by Northern Alliance.
According to the Pakistan Observer, in connection with the International
Human Rights Day, RAWA staged a big protest demonstration in front of Press
Club Peshawar against the top class Afghan leadership and demanded restoration
of democracy, human rights and women's rights under the banner of the United
Nations. RAWA rejected Bonn pact, asked UN to restore rights and said that said
that UN should not support the Northern Alliance.
"The new interim set-up in Afghanistan
lead by Hamid Karzai consisting mainly of Northern Alliance leaders is not
acceptable at all to the people of the country and especially the women,
because the NA is the most murderous violators of human rights", said RAWA
women who participated in a protest demonstration held in front of main UN
building on the same day.
5. International Result
There are two different political standpoints between the Afghan
delegates of the Summit, and RAWA -- and I am sure that many others are, e.g.,
among women living in rural Afghanistan. However, the most important outcome of
the summit does not underline differencies, but
commonalities (the Brussles Proclamations can be read also in the RAWA webpage)
of the Summit and the feminist supporting groups.
To declare on
the International Women's Day 2002 that for women "Afghanistan is Everywhere"
means that all over the world we, NGOs, feminists and women all over the world,
are joined in solidarity with the women of Afghanistan "not only because" as it
is read in the Declaration "we all identify with their suffering but also
because we understand that the same conditions of violence, oppression,
invisibility and other forms of inequality that plagued Afghanistan are
* * * * *
We open the eighth year of publications with the paper
Brother Cobra, Mother Bitch: Ethics and Ecology in Marathi Women's Storytelling by Vidyut Akuljkar.
Dr. Aklujkar is the Coordinator of Hindi Programme at the Asian Studies Department, University of British Columbia
at Vancouver, Canada.
Starting from this paper, we have changed our encoding system to support UNICODE fonts.
If you use a Windows system, you can download a free UNICODE fonts from Microsoft.
Please let us know whether you know of any other free UNICODE fonts
* * * * *
In the new
titles you will find the review of Antica India. Dalle
origini al XIII secolo D.C., by Marilia Albanese, The Partitions of Memory. The Afterlife of the
Division of India, edited by Suvir Kaul, Faces of the Feminine in Ancient
Medieval and Modern India, ed. by Mandakranta Bose. We have also started a
new section on books received.
The address to send review copies of books is:
Enrica Garzilli
Asiatica Association ONLUS
Via Vincenzo Bellini, 4
20122 Milano
Happy reading!