2. Theory of Equalizing Differentials.
Consistent with the Indian marriage market, I assume that marriage decisions are made by the
household of each potential spouse. I further assume that the groom's household
maximizes a utility function that includes as arguments, a numeraire good
X and a vector of n desirable traits of
the bride and her household B; more formally
(1) U = U(X,B;G,αG) U'>0 U''<0
where G is a vector of socio-economic characteristics of the grooms and his household, and
is a parameter that
differs from household to household (tastes). The groom household is assumed to
maximize the utility function in (1) by choosing X and
B, subject to a budget
constraint that includes a nonlinear hedonic dowry function, which maps the
traits of potential brides and grooms to a transfer value, viz.:
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