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Curriculum Vitae - Enrica Garzilli 

Current Position
Enrica Garzilli Dottore in Lettere (University of Rome, 1985), she is currently a Professor at the University of Perugia (Italy), the President of the Asiatica Association, and the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Tantric Studies and the Journal of South Asia Women Studies.
Past Positions
She was a Research Associate in Sanskrit (University of Delhi, 1988-1989). She has taught Sanskrit at various Universities and private institutions. She has worked at Harvard University as a Senior Fellow (Center for the Study of World Religions), Lecturer in Sanskrit (Dept. of Sanskrit & Indian Studies), Visiting Researcher (Law School), and Managing Editor (Harvard Oriental Series). She has been Visiting Researcher at the Harvard Law School.
Printed Publications
Books Journal of South Asia Women Studies 1995-1997, edited by E. Garzilli, Asiatica Association, Milano, 1997.

Translating, Translations, Translators. From India to the West, edited by E. Garzilli, Opera Minora, Harvard Oriental Series, Cambridge/Massachusetts, 1996.

The BhAvopahAra of CakrapaNinAtha. A Sanskrit Hymn to Shiva (11th-12th cent.A.D.), IUO, Supplemento no. 74 agli ANNALI-vol. 53 (1993), fasc. 1, Naples 1993.

Lo SpandasaMdoha di KSemarAja. Traduzione dall' originale sanscrito del XII sec.d.C. [The SpandasaMdoha of KSemarAja. Translation from the Sanskrit Original of the XII cent. A.D.-- With critical edition], IUO, Supplemento no. 59 agli ANNALI- vol. 49 (1989), fasc. 2, Naples 1989.

Articles "StrIdhana: To Have and to Have Not", in the electronic Journal of South Asia Women Studies, http://www.shore.net/~india/jsaws/, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 20, 1996.
Reprint: Studi in Onore di Carlo della Casa, Felicitation Volume, ed. by A. Passi, Milan 1997.

"Stridhan: A Millenary Problem", in Souvenir of the First International Conference on Dowry and Bride-Burning in India, Cambridge, MA, 1995, pp. 7/1-9.

The Unique Position of the Spanda School among the Other Schools of Kashmir Shivaism", in the electronic International Journal of Tantric Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). http://www.shore.net/~india.ijts/, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 1, 1995 (60 kb).
Reprint: Journal of the Indological Society of Southern Africa (JISSA), December 1996.

"The StrIdharma in the DharmaçAstra: the Difference between Svadharma and StrIdharma and the StrIsvabhAva", in Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell' Università degli Studi di Perugia, Volume XXVIII, nuova serie XI, 1990/1991, 1, Studi Classici, pp. 1-18.

"Riflessione sulla donna indiana. Il nuovo ruolo delle donne fra tradizione nazionale e modelli di emancipazione occidentali", in Sinistra Europea, Nuova Serie, Anno IV, numero 3-4, Maggio-Agosto 1989, Roma, pp. 23-25 [Some thoughts on Indian women. The new role of Indian Women between national tradition and western patterns of emancipation]

"Lo strIdharma nei dharmazAstra", in Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell' Università degli Studi di Perugia, Volume XXV, nuova serie XI, 1987/1988, 1, Studi Classici, Perugia 1987, pp. 11-26 [StrIdharma in the DharmazAstras].

Publications In Press