by E. Garzilli
One year and six months ago this night, I put my fingers on this lap-
top keyboard and sent a test cybermessage to Ludovico, our Technical
Editor, and to Michael, our Managing Editor. After their reply I
announced to the cyberspace the birth of this Journal -- which had
already been thought and loved by us. My message was sent by
[email protected] on Tuesday, May 30, 1995 at 9:58:10 p.m. and
received from, our old Italian server, at
9:55:15 p.m. (!) After been waiting for hours with our eyes stuck on the
screen, on Wedsneday 31, 1995 at 02:55 a.m. we received our first
"subscribe" message from curiouser and curiouser
<[email protected]>.
I was happy and trembling as I was for my first love...
Our first issue was sent out on August 1, 1995.
Now our membership stands at 325 individual and listserver subscribers.
The last ones are 5 and re-distribute our issues to the subscribers of
several mailing lists. Our WWW home page has more than 2,000 accesses
per month.
Thank you for subscribing, for keeping in touch among each other with
the Directory Email Book (DEB), for voting for us at the "Best of 1995
Social Sciences, Humanities & Asian-Pacific Studies WWW Resources", for
submitting papers, books for reviews, questions, news, announcements.
Happy Birthday to us!
This Journal is fully protected by Copyright regulations. Please note
the new Copyright notice at the end of every issue.
As already announced, in about a month the collected 1995-1996 issues of
this journal will be printed, bound, and distributed under request.
If you want to send reviews or books for reviews, please write to me at
[email protected], to [email protected].
We are very glad to announce that
Gian Luigi Filippi
(University "Ca' Foscari" of Venice)
Michael Rabe
(Saint Xavier University and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
have joined us as Editors in the Editorial Board. Their short cv will be written under their name in our WWW page.
In this issue we will publish the paper Sexual Imagery on the
Phantasmagorical Castles at Khajuraho by Michael Rabe. He is
Associate Professor in Art History at Saint Xavier University and
Adjunct Assistant Professor at The School of the Art Institute of
Chicago. This paper is accompanied by 24 wonderful gifs from Rabe's
When I invited Dr. Rabe to write this paper for the IJTS he
enthusiastically agreed. I heartfully thank him for that. His paper is
the first of several papers written by various scholars only for this
journal and for the electronic Journal of South Asia Women Studies.
In our Computer Space Arch. Dr. Ludovico Magnocavallo will present the new fonts and macros he is designing for the Devanagari alphabet.
Dr. Magnocavallo has set up and administrated the Arcadia Laboratory of the
Polytechnic of Milan. He has worked as an architect in several famous architectural firms in Italy. He currently works as a Systems Engineer with an international company and collaborates with architects at the Polytechnic of Milan. He is also our Technical Editor.
All the materials published in the IJTS are Copyrighted. Please note
the new Copyright note at the end of every issue.
On the educational use of copyrighted material in the electronic
environment (visual image archives, electronic libraries, electronic
material in distance learning, etc.) you could see the Fair-use
Guidelines for Educational Multimedia Use. These guidelines have been
developed in the USA by the Conference on Fair Use. The endorsement of
this Congressional Subcommittee does not give the guidelines statutory
authority, but it indicates to the courts the interpretation of fair
use in educational environments by members of Congress in the USA.
For the text of the Guidelines see: