There is no way to subscribe to the Asiatica Association on line, since the costs involved in obtaining an e-commerce systems in Italy are still too high.
To subscribe, you can either send us a fax with your credit card details, or an email (or fax) with the details of your money order.In both cases, please be sure
to state clearly the subscription type you have choosen, and the Journal you wish to be subscribed to for single-journal subscriptions. We also need
some personal information like your name, email and postal addresses.
Our fax number is +39 02 02 700 511 864
To send an International Money Order, please address it to:
Customer Name | Asiatica Association |
Bank Name | Banco Ambrosiano Veneto |
Branch | 099 - Milano alla Scala |
Address | Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 Milano, MI 20121 Italy |
Account# | 1666/92 |
Founding Members |
life membership
access to all publications
1500.00 USD
Extraordinary Members |
1-year membership
web access to all publications
from 100.00 USD
Ordinary Members |
1-year membership
web access to all publications
90.00 USD
1-year membership
web access to one journal
JSAWS printed issues
90.00 USD
1-year membership
web access to one journal
50.00 USD
JSAWS printed issues
27.00 USD + postage