Best of 1995 - Australian National University
The Best of 1995 Social Sciences, Humanities & Asian-Pacific Studies WWW Resources,
sponsored by the Coombs Computing Unit of the Australian National University (ANU),
awarded our Journals several prizes:
1st Highest Data Quality WWW resource: Journal of South Asia Women Studies
2nd Best Overall WWW resource: Journal of South Asia Women Studies
2nd Most Elegant WWW resource: Journal of South Asia Women Studies
3rd Most Elegant WWW resource: International Journal of Tantric Studies
Britannica Internet Guide
The Britannica Internet Guide
by Encyclopædia Britannica, rated the Journal of South Asia Women Studies among its Web's Best Sites,
placing it in the top 15% of the Internet Sites reviewed.
Asian Studies WWW Monitor
The Asian Studies WWW Monitor (ISSN 1329-9778),
published by the Internet Publications Bureau,
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
at the Australian National University (ANU),
awarded the Journal of South Asia Women Studies a Very Useful rating for Research Usefulness.
We thank Dr. M.T. Ciolek (ANU) for his help