International Journal of Tantric Studies


IJTS and JSAWS Reception at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the AAR in New Orleans (USA)

We are planning a reception for Editors, Members, and Friends of the IJTS and the Journal of South Asia Women Studies at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion in New Orleans (Louisiana, U.S.). We will be together with the Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies. The reception will be held either on Saturday, November 23, 7-8:30 p.m., or Sunday, November 24, 7-8:30 p.m.
We will let you know about it as soon as we know the exact date. Everybody is warmly invited to attend this informal reception -- just to get to know one another.

IJTS BOOK (1995-1996)

As already announced, the IJTS issues will be printed, bound and distributed at the end of this year. We will print all the 1995- 1996 full issues in one book with colour pictures, diacritics, on good paper, etc. You will be informed about all the bibliographical information, binding, price, etc., and how to get the book. It will be distributed under request. Please let me know whether you would prefer a cheap (poorly bound, and in black and white photo) or a more expensive copy.

Asia Pacific Sign Language Conference

From: [email protected]
Subject: Asia Pacific Sign Language Conference

The first Asia Pacific Sign Language Conference is being held at La Trobe University in Melbourne, on 4-7 July 1996.

For more information contact ISLA '96 Conference Committee, National Institute for Deaf Studies, La Trobe University, Bundoora 3083, Victoria, Australia.

The 3rd International Conference on Deaf History and the 1st Australiasian Asia/Pacific Regions will be held in Melbourne from 8-13 July 1996.

La Trobe University, Bundoora 3083, Victoria, Australia. Telephone 03 479 2283, Fax 03 478 7807.

Studies in Nepali History and Society

Mary Des Chene ([email protected]) informs us that the new hard copy journal Studies in Nepali History and Society has been recently published. You can see its WWW page at

The page contains general information about the journal, tables of contents, abstracts (some there, others coming), notes for contributors and subscription information.