An Islamic Feminist: Asiya Andrabi and the Dukhtaran-e-Millat of Kashmir
- Introduction
- Asiya Andrabi, the Reasons to Became a Militant Feminist
- The Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) and the World Government of Allah
- The Relation of the “Daughters of the Nation” and Kashmiri and Pakistani Terrorist Groups
- Asiya Militant and Mother
- To be a Good Muslim: How to Combine Love and War and the Kashmir Intifada
This article is aimed at highlighting what can be called the other face of jihad and Kashmiri insurgency. It is based on three interviews made in a timeframe of more or less ten years. I have met twice Asiya Andrabi, once in 1999-2000, then in 2006. When I first heard her name, in 1995, she was associated mainly with campaigns for the moralization of Srinagar Valley.
I wanted to meet her for two reasons: the Dukhtaran-e-Millat was, and still is, the only jihadi female group of the region. It is a “soft” terrorist group, but they are openly at actively supporting jihad. The other reason, and the main one, was that Asiya calls herself an “Islamic feminist” and, according to her, she fights for equal rights within the frame of Islam. I spent quite a lot of time with her, and I met her family. We talked a lot about personal issues such as like her relation with her husband and her children.
I met Khurram, her eldest son, in August 2010. I wanted to meet again Asiya to talk about the ongoing situation in Srinagar and the so called “Kashmiri intifada” but she was jailed the same day I arrived in town. Therefore, I decided to meet Khurram, whom I had not seen since he was a child. I wanted to meet one of the young men involved in the intifada, and he was, and I knew that for that reason he was forced by his mother to give up cricket.
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