Journal of South Asia Women Studies

Note from the Editor

Editorial Note by Enrica Garzilli

Thank you! I did not expect so many letters of appreciation from you... Starting from the next issue we will publish them -- with your permission. You can also ask to the editors and/or the other members scholarly questions, addressing them to me ([email protected] or [email protected]) or to the whole mailing list ([email protected]).

I am very pleased to announce that Prof. Geraldine Forbes (State University of New York College at Oswego) has joined us as a member of the Editorial Board. I also welcome Carlos Lopez, Ph.D. candidate at the Dept. of Sanskrit & Indian Studies (Harvard University), who will join us as an Assistant Editor.

The paper published in this issue is entitled "Stridhana: To Have and to Have Not", by Dr. Enrica Garzilli. For the last two years I have been a Visiting Researcher at the Harvard Law School. I have taught as a Lecturer and temporary Professor of Sanskrit in many Universities abroad, and at Harvard (Cambridge, Mass., USA).

This paper is a re-elaboration of the talk I gave at the First International Conference on Dowry and Bride-Burning (Harvard Law School, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 1995). With some changes, it will be published in the book entitled Bandhu. Miscellanea di Studi in Onore di Carlo della Casa, edited by R. Arena, P. Bologna, M. L. M. Mayer, A. Passi, Milan 1997.

The paper deals with the Hindu women's rights to property in India from the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. to modern times. Therefore, it presents a few Sanskrit terms which have been explained and transliterated according to the Kyoto-Harvard transcription. This easy system of transliterating the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet (called Devanagari), which presents many diacritics, into Roman letters is provided before the paper.

We are always glad to read your papers, PhD projects, proceedings, etc. for publication. News on conferences, vacancies, calls for papers, meetings, seminars, URLs of interest to us, letters to the editor(s) or to other members, etc., are also welcome.

If you plan to submit a paper, please conform to the following parameters:

  • Papers should not be longer than 30-40 Kb (about 15-20 pages).
  • Footnotes should be put at the bottom of the text as endnotes, and in square brackets.
  • The title and the author in all contributions should be clearly specified at the top of the first page.
  • All publications should be followed by a list of abbreviations and the complete bibliography used. All this should be included in the 30-40 Kb (about 15-20 pages).
  • For Copyright purposes, papers should not have already been published, or be in press or forthcoming anywhere else. After publishing in this journal and in hard copy, authors of papers are free to publish wherever they wish after the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief has been obtained. Please see the Copyright note.
  • The sender of any paper is the only responsible for any Copyright violation (also in cases where the author and sender are different).

When will papers be published?

  • Accepted papers will be published in the first available issue of the journal. In case of delay senders will be notified by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Senders of information on new books and articles, proceedings, meetings, projects, etc., are not subject to any limitation. However, the editors are not responsible for any wrong information (if accepted) and for any violation of the Copyright of any submitted item.
  • Every issue of this journal will have a Copyright note.
  • It is our intention to publish a hard copy of every issue of the JSAWS, bound according to editorial needs. It will be distributed on request. Please note: senders and/or authors give the editors the automatic authorization to do so. Papers not already formatted will NOT be accepted!

Where to send papers and/or info?

Send by e-mail to the following addresses:

[email protected]

Senders will receive an automatic reply with a copy of the submitted item or a note from me.

The Kyoto-Harvard Convention

a A i I u U R RR L LL e ai o au M H
k kh g gh G
c ch j jh J
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l v
z S s h
Anunasika = w
Vedic l = f
Vedic accents are placed after the vowels