International Journal of Tantric Studies


  • The American Academy of Religion Seminar on Tantric Studies

    The next American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting (November 18-20, 1995 - Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, USA) will host a five year long AAR Seminar Project on Tantric Studies. This first meeting of the Seminar will have as its topic "Studying Tantric Traditions: Indigenous Terminology and Scholarly Categories". The Tantric Studies Seminar will meet from 3:45 to 6:45 on Monday, November 20, in Room 204C of the Convention Center (Philadelphia Marriott Hotel).

  • The Society of Tantric Studies Business Meeting at the AAR

    This Seminar will be held in conjunction with the next five AAR meetings. Issues that will be talked about at Philadelphia include: an instant analysis of the Seminar; STS dues; a workable election structure; Tantric publishing opportunities; plans for a free standing STS meeting. I have been invited to talk about this Journal. This meeting will take place on Monday, Nov. 20, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., in Room 409 of the Philadelphia Marriott.

  • The Conference on Tantrism

    The University of Virginia will host a conference on Tantrism this coming Spring. The dates are April 5 and 6, 1996. For further info, please contact Prof. D. G. White at Department of Religious Studies, Cocke Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903.

  • The Society of Tantric Studies Meeting

    Between late Spring and early Autumn 1997 the Fifth STS Meeting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff will be held. A formal call for papers will follow.