Journal of South Asia Women Studies

New Titles

By Ila Joshi (ed.)

Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, s.d.

Pp. VII + 205. ISBN 9971-905-72-3

Review by Enrica Garzilli, August 26, 1999

The book is a collection of papers written by Asia women on the New Communication Technologies (NCTs) and their impact on women. The papers refer to the situation in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and the Philippines. This study, which was initially the product of a research project conducted in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, addresses the variety of cultural realities in the region and offers several perspectives on the effects of the NCTs. In fact, each successive wave of NCTs has arrived claiming to herald a new democratic age, promising greater awareness and political participation for all elements of society. However, where gender equality is concerned, the influence of NCTs has often been less than neutral.

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