The Journal of South Asia Women Studies: Our First Twenty-one Years
Nepal 2013-14: Breaking the Political Impasse
The “Fallen” Females of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Broken Nest” and Sharatchandra Chattopadhyay’s “Blazing Home” Revisited
Two wives for a perfect life: Nag'mati and Padmavati in Jayasi's Padmāvat as symbols of the integration of bhoga and yoga
Am I a problem?
Inclusive Rights: On Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code on Sexual Activities
Ahmed Rashid: “New initiatives and collaboration between the USA and Pakistan on Afghanistan" — An Interview
Deconstructing Social Media in India
European Union and Empowerment of Women in Afghanistan: Issues and Challenges
Pakistan, Burma, India and Human Rights
Afghanistan, Issues at stake and Viable Solutions: An Interview with H.R.H. Princess India of Afghanistan
An Islamic Feminist: Asiya Andrabi and the Dukhtaran-e-Millat of Kashmir
Victims or Agents? An Issue of Identity Amongst Indian Migrant Women in Australia