Asiatica Association

"The New State of Nepal: The Difficult Passage from Absolute Monarchy to Democracy" by Enrica Garzilli

8 jan 2009, archived in papers

At the beginning of 2008 I published the paper on Nepal titled “Il nuovo Stato del Nepal: il difficile cammino dalla monarchia assoluta alla democrazia [The New State of Nepal: The Difficult Passage from Absolute Monarchy to Democracy]”. It deals with the history of Nepal from the months before the coup d' of King Gyanendra of February 1, 2005 to the Revolution of April 2006, and the birth of democracy.

This is the full paper.

It has been published in Michelguglielmo Torri (ed.), Asia Maior. L’Asia negli anni del drago e dell’elefante, 2005-2006, Milano: Guerini e associati, 2007, pp. 229-251.