Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 110
We have just received (on surface mail) the Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 110 (May 2009 - vol. 28, no. 2), a hard copy quarterly published by the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS).
It is written in Chinese with subtitles in English. It contains articles, interviews, and regular updates on the happenings in the worldwide community of Chinese studies.
This issue includes: Special Feature (Rationale and Plans for National Central Library's 2009 Year of Service) Summary of Research (papers by Yang Wei-chen, Wei Lei and Wang Baosheng, Kang Kai-lin), Researchers of Chinese Studies Scholars (paper by Liu Ruomei); International Sinology (paper by Jack W. Chen); Book Review; Introduction of Materials; Conference Reports; News from Academia.
This is the complete catalog of the publications of the Center for Chinese Studies (in Chinese).