Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 115
>We have just received (on surface mail) the Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 115 (August 2010 - vol. 29, no. 3), a hard copy quarterly published by the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS), established in 1981 to promote research in Chinese studies both in Taiwan (The Republic of China) and overseas.
It is written in Chinese with subtitles in English. It contains articles, interviews, and regular updates on the happenings in the worldwide community of Chinese studies.
This issue includes: Summary of Research (papers: "Wandering on the Fringe of New History: Research into the History of Science and Technology in Taiwan", by Chu Ping-yi; "Confucian Studies in the New Wave of Taiwanese Historiography", by Lu Miaw-fen; "The Study of Medical History in Taiwan (1990-2010): With a Discussion f Its Relation to "New History"", by Chen Hsiu-fen); Research Institutes; Book Review; Conference Reports; News from Academia.