Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 116
We have just received the Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies, 116 (November 2010 - vol. 29, no. 4), a hard copy quarterly published by the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS), established in 1981 to promote research in Chinese studies both in Taiwan (The Republic of China) and overseas.
It is written in Chinese with subtitles in English. It contains articles, interviews, and regular updates on the happenings in the worldwide community of Chinese studies.
This issue includes: Special Feature (Development Trends in International Sinology and the Past and Future of the..” by Karl Min Ku); Summary of Research (papers: “The Objectives, Development, and Main Issues at Each Stage of Qing Dynasty…” by Luo Junfeng; “A Sumary of Contemporary Scholars Interpretations of Confucius’ “Knowing the…” by Yau Yen-chi; “Reflections on 100 Years Research of Huang Ren’s History of Chinese Literature” by Wen Qingxin); Research Institutes; Book Review; Conference Reports; News from Academia.