News published in “jsaws”
The National Commission for Women, a government body in New Delhi, collaborated with the Institute for Socio-Economic Development, a research group based in Orissa, to produce a report, which began in 2003 and was released in January 2005. Their recent research, which looked at development projects in four parts of the country that have witnessed large-scale projects found that women are often displaced and suffer disproportionately due to systemic inequities...
Read the full article:
Summers and Women again
On my previous comment:
"Hierarchy 101: Summers, Women and Math by Childress and Childress"
To find out how to increase women's participation in math and science, don't ask a guy at the top of the academic and social hierarchy. Ask people who are routinely discouraged by the way math and science are made to seem out of their reach. The full article can be found at:
(from Women's eNews News Desk)
Errata Corrige
In the "Note from the Editor" of JSAWS 10-1 I wrote about President Summer of Harvard U. and his mother: It was President Rudenstine's mother. Anyway, names do not change the meaning of my sermon..
If you want to learn more about President Summer and his mother, on March 3, 2005 The Harvard Crimson, which usually writes pro domo sua, has published the article
"Loves Him Like Only a Mother Could"...
JSAWS Vol. 10, No. 1
We celebrate our 11th year of publications with JSAWS Vol. 10 No. 1. It features the Note from the Editor "The International Women's Day, Harvard University and Our Journal's Birthday" by E. Garzilli; the paper "Empowering Women in India: Changing Horizons -- The Kalanjiam Experience", by Vinita Pandey, and the Book Review of M. Torri, Storia dell'India, by Sumit Guha.
JSAWS Vol. 9, No. 1
JSAWS Vol. 9 No. 1 has been published. It features papers by Gabriela Nik. Ilieva, Common Representations of Women and Men in the Ṛg Veda and T. Matthew Ciolek, Travels in Asian Cyberspace: A Brief History of Asian Studies Online.
JSAWS Vol. 6 No. 1
JSAWS Vol. 6 No. 1 has been published. It features a paper by Sonia Dalmia: Dowry and its Effect on Marital Choices in India, an editorial note, and reviews on two books: Ashes of Immortality: Widow Burning in India by Catherine Weinberger-Thomas, and Light in the Crevice Never Seen by Haunani-Kay Trask.
This issue is free for non-members until October 15.