Asiatica Association

News for April 2012

Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies (Taiwan)

by , 7 Apr 2012 | in education | no comments yet

The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) located in Taiwan offers a research grant program. This program is designed for foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The content of the research, to be undertaken in Taiwan, should be within the field of Chinese studies.

AJISS-Commentary No. 146: “Containing Contingency Games” by Naoki Tanaka

by , 2 Apr 2012 | in periodicals | no comments yet

The Association of Japanese Institutes of Strategic Studies (AJISS) has just published the AJISS-Commentary No.146 “Containing Contingency Games”, by Naoki Tanaka. Tanaka ( is President of the Center for International Public Policy Studies in Tokyo.

The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has unmistakably changed the way policy options are debated in Japan. Excessive selling of government bonds in the market have made it clear that a country’s comprehensive economic policy must be prepared for both ordinary times and contingencies. If such an understanding is to change the rules of the game, there is also a growing recognition that it is necessary to prepare contingency legislation to provide for emergencies should the game’s structure undergo a drastic change.