Asiatica Association

News for February 2013

Victoria Nuland on the China-Tibet Issue

by , 9 Feb 2013 | no comments yet

Clip of the video of the speech by Victoria Nuland,the spokesperson for the United States Department of State, on the China-Tibet issue. She says that the USA urges China at all levels to address policies in Tibet, which immediately she corrects into "Tibetan areas", in order to put an end to the tragic self-immolations, and to allow people to express themselves on the matter "freely, publicly, peacefully".

This is the video.


Nepal, Elections in May?

by , 8 Feb 2013 | in news | no comments yet

The 7th general convention of ruling UCPN (Maoist) party, which was attended by over 4,100 delegates, began on February 2 and concluded today electing a 98-member central committee.