Asiatica Association

News for October 2014

Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture vol. 22 (Aug. 2014)

by , 13 Oct 2014 | no comments yet

We have just received the International Edition of the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, vol. 22 / August 2014, which is published by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Academy of East Asian of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU - Seoul, Korea). It includes English and Korean papers.

Content: Articles; Appendix

Articles: Lee Junghwan, "Zhang Jiucheng as an Eminent Advocate of the Cheng Learning.."; Song Jaeyoon, "Critical Confucianism.."; Kim Woo hyung, "Moral Agent and Practical Functions.."; Lee Sang-ho, "A Study for Promoting Morality through the Application of.."; Christina Han, "Envisioning the Territory of the Sages.."; Zhang Xinguo, "The Structure of Mind in Neo-Confucianism.."; Tang Minggui, "Some Characteristics of Chen Xiangdao's.."; Jun Byungsul, "Comparing Mou Zongsan's Opinion of Toegye and Yulgok"; Zhou Junyong, Sun Weiping, "On Mengzi's Understanding of Nature"; DanChen Liu, "The Spread of Confucianism to Britain and Germany..".


New Contributor to the Asiatica Association: Gianluca Pastori

by , 3 Oct 2014 | in news | no comments yet

I am happy to announce that Prof. Gianluca Pastori has accepted to contibute to our Asiatica homepage. Dr. Pastori is currently Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (Italy).

He has contributed to the IJTS 9/1 (Sept. 19, 2013) with the paper "Shaping the Italian Policy on the North-West Frontier: Giuseppe Tucci and the Limits of the Strategy of “Peripheral Destabilization” (1936-1943)".