Asiatica Association

News published in “education”

Spoken Sanskrit and Nepali Intensive summer courses, Heidelberg

by , 10 Mar 2009 | in education | no comments yet

The Department of Classical Indology at the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg, announces two courses, the Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit (August 3rd - 21st, 2009), and the Nepali Intensive Course (August 3rd - 28th, 2009).

For more info please ask Dr. Axel Michaels (Leiter der Abteilung),
[Zi.314] [Tel.+49 6221 - 54 89 17]


International Journal of Jaina Studies

by , 3 Nov 2005 | in education | no comments yet

From Dr. Peter Flügel: The Centre of Jaina Studies at SOAS established the International Journal of Jaina Studies to facilitate academic communication. The main objective of the journal is to publish research papers, monographs, and reviews in the field of Jain Studies in a form that makes them quickly and easily accessible to the international academic community, and to the general public. The journal draws on the research and the symposia conducted at the Centre of Jaina Studies at the University of London and on the global network of Jaina scholarship.
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