Asiatica Association

News for December 2012

Journal of South Asia Women Studies (JSAWS) vol. 13, n. 1

by , 18 Dec 2012 | in jsaws | no comments yet

I am happy to announce that the Journal of South Asia Women Studies (JSAWS) vol. 13, n. 1 is out!

In this issue we publish the Editorial Note and two papers: “The Politics of Neo-liberalism, Sexuality and Islam“ by Shaireen Rasheed, Associate professor of Philosophy at the School of Education at Long Island University (USA); and “Indian Women in Community Radio: The Case Studies of Radio Namaskar in Orissa and Radio Dhadkan in Madhya Pradesh” by Daniela Bandelli, PhD student at the School of Journalism and Communication, University of Queensland (Australia), based on her thesis of Master of Communication for Social Change at the same university.


Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture vol. 18 (August 2012)

by , 4 Dec 2012 | in periodicals | no comments yet

We have just received (on surface) the International Edition of the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, vol. 18 / August 2012. It is published by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture of Sungkyunkwan University, a private academia located in Seoul and Suwon, South Korea.


Special issue (in English): "Relationship between Rituals and Consideration in Tasan's Classical Studies" by Ham Yoon-Shik; "Tasan on Virtue: Analysis through 'Theory of Unaroused Mind' and 'Nature of Humans and Things'" by Cho Un-yong; "Chong Yag-yong's 'One and Only Mind': in Comparison to B. Lonergan's Cognitive Process" by Yi Sook-hee; "Tasan on Righteousness and Profit: in Comparison to Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming" by Chung So-Yi.