Asiatica Association

News for April 2011

Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture vol. 15 (Feb. 2011)

by , 22 Apr 2011 | in periodicals | no comments yet

We have just received the International Edition of the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, vol. 15 / February 2011, which is published by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Academy of East Asian Studies of Sungkyunkwan University, a private academia located in Seoul and Suwon, South Korea, which was established in 1398 and is considered one of the foremost universities in the country.

The papers of the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture deal with Confucianism, its idea and idealsand the more recent studies on it. They are written either in Korean with a summary in English, or in English. In this issue, which is 352 page long, papers are written in Korean.

Table of contents, papers: “The Origin of Ritual and Music of the Confucius Ceremony…” by Kim, Sung Kee; “The Moral Change from Ordinary to Metaphysical in Pre-Chin…” by Su Tzu-Ying; “The Trait of Daoism of Confucian Philosophy” by Gou Xiaoqian; “The textual Research on Qidiaoshi School” by Song Li-lin;

Census of India 2011 (provisional data)

by , 11 Apr 2011 | in news | no comments yet

On March 31 it has been realeased the provisional Census of India 2011. The population is now pegged at 1210.2 million people, with an increase of more than 181 million in the last 10 years.

The worrying figure is the male-female ratio: males 623.7 million, females 586.5 million. Despite the laws to prevent female foeticide and schemes to encourage families to have girl child, the ratio of females has declined from 927 against 1,000 males in 2001 to 914, showing that son-preference is stronger than before.


AJISS-Commentary No.115 “Coping with the Economic Impact of the Earthquake” by Takao Komine

by , 8 Apr 2011 | in periodicals | no comments yet

The Association of Japanese Institutes of Strategic Studies (AJISS) has just published the AJISS-Commentary No. 115 “Coping with the Economic Impact of the Earthquake”, by Takao Komine. He ([email protected]) is Professor at the Graduate School of Regional Policy Design, Hosei University.

Dealt successive blows by the massive earthquake, the tsunami and the damage to the nuclear power plant, the Japanese economy is still reeling from its greatest shock since the end of World War II. In considering the impact of this great shock on the economy and the measures required to cope with it, we need to take into account two phases.

Trika Philosophy of Kashmir (Kashmir Shivaism) Workshop in Lucknow

by , 5 Apr 2011 | no comments yet

A Ten-day Workshop on Trika Philosophy (Kashmir Saivism) is scheduled to be held at the
ICPR Academic centre Lucknow from 27th May 2011 to June 6th, 2011 with Professor
Navjeevan Rastogi as the Director.

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures

by , 1 Apr 2011 | in resources | no comments yet

The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC) is an interdisciplinary, transhistorical project that compiles essays by scholars on all women in Muslim majority societies and all Muslim women in Muslim minority societies. The print version of EWIC, consisting of 6 volumes (1,246 articles, 2 million words), was written by 907 scholars from around the world and published between 2003-2007.